วันศุกร์ที่ 14 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Attracting Women Naturally - Killing Your Inner Bully

I want to talk about something big, but almost never mentioned. And yet, can have a profound effect on your success with attracting women. In fact, will affect your overall sense of well being and happiness in life. Have you ever thought where you do not want to be in life? What you should do something else instead? You should talk with N (insert random number) of women per week if you want to go "there"?

And if you do not, your life will always be one and only? For my part, I heard about these thoughts and repeatedly heard the pervasive sense of sadness and misfortune of my life. It made me feel unstable and anxious, and then went outside and start running after women, counting the number of women I talked to the night. This inner voice and feelings resulting anxiety has been with me for most of my life as a sort of internal army sergeant.

This inner voice urged me to do things that I was afraid to do. In fact, I'm so used to what I also thought that my internal drive, my motivation ... A friend or a tyrant? And then I imagined having a friend like that. A friend who keeps telling me that I'm not where I am, I should have had more success with women, but actually I'm not even good enough to be with them. And then I thought: "Wait a minute, is really a friend?

" Hell No! This was my INNER BULLY, pushes me to do things with the fear and anxiety. Because if I had a friend like that, I would say go to hell and never come back! So I wonder, do not have a gross domestic? And you can still call the shots in your life? In fact, there still believe that if shots were fired inside of your attacker, then he has the motivation to do things in life? And you want to spend most of your life on the bus watching movies, eating crisps and grow and lonely?

The sausage machine - or the real way to be happy and attract women and what you can not intimidate a real success with women and the happiness of life overall. Because, as Richard Wilkins said, life is like a sausage machine: Anything put in determines the taste of meat will take you out. Put in the pork - pork sausages get ... beef put in - get beef sausage ... So if you pump in fear, anxiety, frustration and anger in your life, you can not expect your life suddenly becomes a happy day.

You have fear, anxiety, frustration and anger of sausages! Not too attractive, right? Of course, you can get yourself a bouquet which to grow, but not happy -! This is what many motivational gurus forgot to tell you. These gurus who claim to have "sufficient weight to push you and you can get anything you want!" You can not intimidate you into happiness and a sense of abundance to attract women.

So What can you do? I recommend - Kill Your INNER BULLY! Or at least tell him to shut up and get lost. Once done, you will feel your inner voice, others emerge. These items that you drive from the space of desire rather than fear or lack of space, instead of satisfaction and anxiety. You talk about these beautiful women, because you want to, not because you must. And that will make you look like a man much happier and really attractive, who knows what he wants.

instead of being the kind they need, and speaks to women in distress and fear, and then pushed for women ... So how can you stop the abuser interior? Here is an exercise for you: kill your Inner Bully exercise 1.Become aware of things you say to yourself like that. For example, "I'd better," I do this or that "or" I want to be [well with women, the rich, more outgoing, etc.

]..., but I can not, because I [m too old , bald, poor, etc..] "Write to your attention journal.2.Pay feelings of lack, fear, depression, anxiety that these thoughts trigger. too.3.Ask you write the same: if your life have you heard the voices for the first time? Because, guess what, 'you're not born with them, someone has taught you! Who was it? 4.Knowing what you know now, what to say to that person / persons on these thoughts bullying?

What you are about to discover something most men will never know when it comes to attracting women. This is an ultimate no tricks, no games system to attracting women by being yourself. You are about to discover how to make women chase you around like crazy. Even If You Are Bald, Fat Or Ugly! Trust me... you don't want to miss this one. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page because it might be the most important message you ever read on attracting women: Click here --> attracting women

